TV Pública

Digilab is one of the most respected companies in Brazil to offer solutions for the creation and operation of TV channels, and is a benchmark for the Public TV sector. Whether it is a Legislative Assembly, or a small, medium, or large broadcaster, Digilab has the solutions to meet any need. Several options are offered, which can work together or separately. They include:

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  • Development of a basic TV project design;
  • Development of the entire infrastructure for a TV channel (including hiring personnel);
  • Transmission of live sessions and programs (broadcast TV, pay TV, and Internet);
  • Creation of an online portal for exhibiting live and collection programs;
  • Live Stream App / VOD;
  • Among others.



To develop the Basic TV Project Design, Digilab does a specific needs study for each customer. Based on that, solutions are presented that will meet those needs. The Basic Project can include anything from the physical structure to the journalistic automation system, technical and administrative management, hiring of labor and staff, daily operation of audiovisual production, and signal transmission.

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